

Megan was a previously active teenager until she started suffering from persistent left knee pain. This was affecting her quality of life, and she was forced to avoid playing the sports she loves. Megan was subsequently diagnosed with osteochondritis dissecans (OICD), which is when a small segment of bone begins to separate from its surrounding region due to a lack of blood supply.

Although Megan’s parents understood the diagnosis, they were concerned with the continuation of Megan’s pain due to the condition and how to progress with treatment. They also wondered if they were doing the right thing by having their daughter undergo surgery.

Best Doctors assigned Megan’s case to an orthopaedic surgeon who agreed with the diagnosis of OICD. The expert felt that this was a case where there was a need for surgical repair of the condition in order to improve function and prevent further damage to the joint. After reviewing the expert report, Megan and her parents felt greatly reassured about the direction they needed to take in Megan’s recovery process. Megan’s parents reported that they now have the confidence to discuss Megan’s proposed surgery with her treating team, and they have been reassured by the expert that this is the right thing to do for Megan’s recovery and also to help avoid further damage to her knee.

This is a real Australia Best Doctors case that has been authorised for use by the patient. In order to respect and maintain the patient’s privacy, personal details have been modified. Photographs have been used for illustrative purposes only.