What We Do

What we Do


Adorable little girl with a neck brace talking with a nurse

For Individuals

When you’re facing a critical medical decision – whether an important health question or a serious diagnosis – getting the best possible advice is everything. We make it happen. Best Doctors connects you to more than 50,000+ world-renowned medical experts.

As a result, you’re sure you have the right information to make informed decisions about your health.

We can help with everything from a minor surgery to major health concerns like cancer and heart disease. Our services are 100% confidential and there’s no cost to members whose company benefits or health plans include Best Doctors services. No matter where you live or work Best Doctors provides you access to the the world’s best medical minds.

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For Organisations

Best Doctors helps your clients or employees to make medical decisions with confidence. We help to create more active, engaged employees and insurance consumers.

Our services decrease the costs associated with misdiagnosis and incorrect treatment, needless surgeries and unnecessary doctors’ visits as well as improving return-to-work timeframes.

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Business meeting in office


Team surgeon at work on operating in hospital

For Physicians

For over 28 years, we have conducted an extensive physician survey to identify the doctors that other doctors trust most. It is the largest ongoing, peer survey in the medical industry.

As a result, we have a proprietary database of more than 50,000+ medical experts in over 450 specialties worldwide. Our mission is to engage patients and physicians to work together to improve outcomes. We do this by connecting treating physicians facing challenging cases with a Best Doctors Expert who can help answer their questions and support their patient care.

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