Expert advice for peace of mind

Best Doctors is always here for you and your family whether you need to confirm a diagnosis and treatment recommendation, want to be sure before having surgery, or wish to gain a better understanding about your condition.

If you have been diagnosed with a worrying medical condition, getting the best possible advice means everything. Best Doctors gives you access to our database of over 50,000 world-renowned medical experts to ensure you have the right information to make informed decisions about your health.

The best specialist for your case is out there – and we’ll provide guidance to help you find them.



How we can help you

Facing a medical challenge can be stressful enough without worrying whether you have the right diagnosis or the most effective treatment; we offer medical expertise and support throughout the entire process.

Global Expert Advice

Get an expert second opinion from a renowned medical specialist

Have one of the world’s top specialists review your medical case through Best Doctors’ Global Expert Advice service. More than a second opinion, our experts provide an in-depth analysis of your case and are carefully selected from our database of more than 50,000 doctors covering over 450 specialties and subspecialties. It’s a confidential service that complements the care your own local doctor is providing.

We support you by collecting all your records, X-rays, scans, test results – even pathology samples.

After an in-depth study of your case, our expert provides a comprehensive, personalized report, including recommendations. You can be sure you have the right diagnosis and treatment plan. Live in the confidence that you’re making the right decisions about your health of you and your love ones.

Medical Concierge Service

Find the best treatment outside Germany

If after you received the second medical opinion you decide that you would like to be treated outside of Germany, we can make it possible.

Best Doctors will search for the most appropriate medical facility to receive the treatment you were recommended in the report provided by the expert.
You will receive all the information you need to take the next step, including information about each selected specialist’s medical credentials and experience.  Best Doctors will accompany you every step of the way, we can even coordinate your travel and accommodation.

Travel, accommodation, medical expenses and other associated costs are the responsibility of the patient and not  covered within this service.



How Best Doctors works

We bring together the best medical minds in the world to help you get the right diagnosis, treatment and information when facing a medical uncertainty.

Step 1

Contact the Best Doctors team.

Step 2

Discuss your medical needs in confidence.

Step 3

We select the most appropriate expert.

Step 4

Get the answers needed to make informed medical decisions.


How to start a case? 

Contact your Family Office team at Marcard, Stein & Co. You can also contact Best Doctors directly on 0800 188 8960  or on +49-(0)30-8878 9305 if you are calling from abroad and also via  email using [email protected]




Olga, a Best Doctors member

‘’It’s hard to put into the words what I feel. Best Doctors has not just restored my faith in recovery, they brought me back to life!’’


This is a real Best Doctors case which has been authorised for use by the patient. In order to respect and maintain the patient’s privacy, personal details have been modified. Photographs have been used for illustrative purposes only.


At the age of 56, Olga was diagnosed with grade 2 invasive breast cancer. After receiving surgery, her treating doctor recommended she undergo chemotherapy. Wondering if she had explored all possible options, she decided to get in touch with Best Doctors.

A specialised expert was selected to review Olga’s medical records and history and indicated in his in-depth report that he was wary about her treatment path including rounds of chemotherapy. He instead recommended specific additional testing that would provide Olga’s treating doctor more insight.

Olga decided to follow the expert’s treatment recommendations. The Best Doctors team identified specialized medical centres around the world and Olga selected one in Israel. Best Doctors organised all the medical, travel and accommodation arrangements for Olga and her daughter who accompanied her through her treatment abroad.

Upon reviewing the results of the testing Olga’s Best Doctors expert recommended, the oncology team in Israel concluded that chemotherapy wasn’t necessary, just hormonal therapy which she would be able to start receiving upon returning home. Olga felt relieved and confident about starting her new treatment plan.



Frequently asked questions

How do I access Best Doctors services?

Getting in touch couldn’t be easier, contact your family officer at Marcard, Stein & Co or call Best Doctors directly at 0800 1888960. Everything can be done over the phone and from the comfort of your own home.

Are there any costs associated with the service?

Marcard, Stein & Co grants you access to these exclusive services of Best Doctors. If you would like to use the Global Expert Advice service you can contact Marcard, Stein & Co, who can inform you about the flat fee required to receive advice from a world leading medical specialist. This fee will include the service itself, as well as any necessary arrangements for the collection, review and return of all relevant medical documentation. Please note that the Medical Concierge Service, provided by Best Doctors, does not cover the cost of treatment, additional diagnostics, face-to-face consultations, travel, accommodation or medical expenses.

For more information about pricing, please contact your family officer at Marcard, Stein & Co

Can Best Doctors be provided to my loved ones?

Yes, the Best Doctors service is available for you and any of your loved ones indicated by Marcard, Stein & Co.

Who funds the cost of any treatment or additional tests recommended by Best Doctors?

Once you have decided on the most appropriate course of treatment in consultation with Best Doctors and your treating doctors, your medical costs will be covered either by your health insurance cover (where applicable) or by yourself.

What would happen if Best Doctors recommended a different treatment to the one already proposed by my treating specialist?

Best Doctors supports, not replaces, the care you receive from your treating doctors. You are encouraged to share the findings of your expert medical review with your own GP and/or treating consultants and, together, decide the best course of action. If necessary, Best Doctors can arrange for further independent opinions from other experts in our database, the cost of which would be borne by Best Doctors.

Are there any conditions not covered by the Best Doctors’ services?

Whilst Best Doctors can assist members seeking advice on certain behavioural problems (such as autism or paediatric developmental problems), Best Doctors services are not available with respect to mental health-related conditions, acute conditions, dental problems or patients currently in hospital.

How Best Doctors will maintain my privacy

By complying with all relevant state, national and international laws and regulations related to privacy and data protection Best Doctors will ensure the privacy of our members. Best Doctors will never disclose information to third parties that do not help providing the Best Doctors Services you requested.

This exclusive service is offered to you by Marcard, Stein & Co.

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