

Arthur had a history of high blood pressure, for which he takes medication. After a recent fainting episode during a work trip, he was taken to the hospital and was eventually diagnosed with left bundle branch block (LBBB), a heart conduction abnormality. Along with Arthur’s diagnosis of LBBB, his cardiologist informed him that his fainting episode was consistent with vasovagal syncope, which is a sudden drop in heart rate and blood pressure, resulting in loss of consciousness.

Arthur consulted with his regular general practitioner (GP), who confirmed LBBB. He was then referred to another cardiologist who ordered an echocardiogram, however, the echocardiogram came back normal, leaving Arthur confused about his condition. This led him to open a case with Best Doctors.

An expert cardiologist reviewed Arthur’s case and confirmed that the most likely cause of his fainting episode during was indeed vasovagal syncope, which may have been worsened by his blood pressure medications. The expert reassured Arthur that his LBBB is unlikely to be contributing to his symptoms, and in his case it is not expected to lead to complications requiring a pacemaker. The expert emphasised the importance of continuing observation and provided Arthur with reassurance on his prognosis and overall health. After reviewing his detailed expert report, Arthur felt comforted in his newfound knowledge that he was not a ‘ticking time bomb’.

This is a real Australia Best Doctors case that has been authorised for use by the patient. In order to respect and maintain the patient’s privacy, personal details have been modified. Photographs have been used for illustrative purposes only.