

Emily had low energy and motivation, as well as impaired concentration at home and at work. She was experiencing panic attacks and suicidal ideas, and was also often emotional and tearful. Emily’s long-standing depression and chronic suicidal ideas resulted in her reaching out to the Best Doctors Mental Health Navigator service as she was looking for ways to start treatment for her mental health issues.

Emily was scheduled for a comprehensive telehealth assessment with a consultant psychiatrist. The psychiatrist recommended that Emily commence antidepressant medication at a low dose and increase it if tolerated and needed. It was also suggested that Emily engage with a clinical psychologist with a focus on cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT) and schema therapy.

At report delivery, Emily stated that she was still having ‘down days’, but she had been able to go to work when she was not struggling with her mood. She was planning to commence the recommended antidepressant medication and had requested to be referred to a psychologist through the Mental Health Navigator network. Emily was finally making time to take care of her mental health and her needs.

This is a real Best Doctors case which has been authorised for use by the patient.