Along with expert clinical services, Best Doctors now offers the most effective solution for achieving the Triple Aim of healthcare:
Improving the experience of care
Improving the health of populations
Reducing per capita costs of health care
Stratus is a high-powered data intelligence application that delivers insight down to the individual patient. With a laser focus on individual needs, care gaps and individualized requirements, Stratus also provides the tools to improve physician performance and increase physician satisfaction. By separating signal from noise, Stratus delivers actionable recommendations focusing limited resources on areas of greatest need and potential impact.
Through Stratus, Best Doctors connects with physicians, payers and health systems to identify variations in practice and monitor the dynamics of specific member populations. Stratus includes a comprehensive integrated dashboard, robust data visualization, dynamic analysis and expansive reporting that produces powerful insight in a highly useable format that drives adoption and impact. More than information, Stratus drives providers toward opportunity and action.
The right team and the right tools won’t gain the results necessary to succeed in a challenging healthcare environment. Effective change is about making sure that the quarterback and receiver are in the right positions working toward the same goals functioning as a coordinated care team. Best Doctors Analytics offers the necessary support to deliver high-value services that ensure practice success. Our consulting services ensure that our clients maximize their revenue, reduce their costs and improve satisfaction.